- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Dr. Liddicoat studied at Imperial College London, achieving a 1st Class Honours degree in Medical Sciences with Immunology and Pathology, before graduating in Medicine in 2004.
She trained in Respiratory and General Internal Medicine in North-East London, completing her rotation at Barts and The Royal London. Dr. Liddicoat completed a year as a prestigious Darzi Fellow in Clinical Leadership and Quality Improvement during this time, through which was awarded a PgCert in Healthcare Management and Leadership from the Kings Fund and Manchester Business School.
Starting as a Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Ninewells Hospital in 2018, Dr Liddicoat treats patients with all Respiratory conditions, and has a sub-speciality interest in Pleural Disease and Lung Cancer. Dr Liddicoat is a Quality Improvement Fellow at NHS Tayside and has led on a number of projects across the organisation to improve patient care. Dr. Liddicoat is Training Programme Director for Respiratory Medicine in East of Scotland.She is Clinical Lead for Bronchoscopy services at Ninewells Hospital and sits on the National Faculty for Advanced Bronchoscopy and Endobronchial Ultrasound at NHS Education Scotland. Dr Liddicoat is a Council member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh as well as Chair of the Recently Appointed Consultants Committee.
She is passionate about treating patients with a person-centred and holistic approach.
Areas of interest
Respiratory Medicine; General Internal Medicine; Asthma; COPD; Cough; Breathlessness; Wheeze; Pleural effusion; Pleural disease; Sleep Medicine; Lung Cancer; Lung Physiology; Bronchoscopy; Interstitial Lung Disease; Tuberculosis; Lung Infections; Sarcoidosis; Pulmonary Embolism
Medical secretaries
- Practice Manager
- Tayside Complete Health 3 and 7 Commercial Street Dundee DD1 3DA
- 01382 549088
- booking@taysidecompletehealth.com