- Fee assured
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- Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
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About me
Dr Mark Jarvis is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Nuffield Health, Brentwood Hospital, specializing in general Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. He trained at Magdalen College, Oxford and Imperial college, London. Dr Jarvis now works as a senior substantive Gastroenterologist and Physician at Basildon hospital, having 12 years Consultant experience. His areas of clinical expertise include inflammatory bowel disease, IBS, and nutrition. He has performed in excess of 5000 colonoscopy's and his performance figures well exceed national targets.
Dr Jarvis was previously Clinical Director of Endoscopy at Basildon Hospital and is currently Endoscopy training lead at this busy teaching hospital.
The Joint advisory group on GI endoscopy (JAG) is a national organisation with a strong track record in promoting excellence in endoscopy services through assessment and accreditation. Dr Jarvis holds the post of Accreditation Chairman and Clinical Lead for JAG, in this role he regularly leads inspections of UK endoscopy departments within the public and private sectors, as well as overseeing the JAG accreditation process in the UK and beyond.
Dr Jarvis sits on expert advisory panels for NHS England and the British society of Gastroenterologists, where he has an important role in devising national guidelines.
He lives in Essex and is married with two children.
Areas of interest
Inflammatory bowel disease: Irritable bowel syndrome : Endoscopy : Nutrition : Reflux/Barrett's Oesophagus. Gluten sensitivity testing.
Medical secretaries
- Victoria Jarvis
- 1 Nelson st. Southend SS1 1EG
- 07884 554799
- Jarvisgastroltd@outlook.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Diagnostic colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsy of colon and ileum - (5-50)
Chartwell Private Hospital (5-50) Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital (1-5)
Diagnostic oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) and immediate colonoscopy includes forceps biopsies, biopsy test and dye spray (as sole procedure) - (5-50)
Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital (1-5) Chartwell Private Hospital (1-5)
Diagnostic oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) includes forceps biopsy, biopsy urease test and dye spray - (1-5)
Chartwell Private Hospital (5-50)
Therapeutic oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) and immediate colonoscopy includes forceps biopsies, biopsy test and dye spray (as sole procedure) - (1-5)
Chartwell Private Hospital (1-5) Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital (1-5)