
Dr Athar Badar

Cardiology 06115446


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Athar Badar is a Consultant Cardiologist with subspecialty interests in cardiac imaging and heart failure.

After graduating from the University of Aberdeen in 2005 he undertook foundation training in the West of Scotland before moving to Northern England for core medical and early specialist training. He returned to the West of Scotland for the final years of specialist training, including a two-year fellowship in advanced heart failure and cardiac transplant at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital.

He was awarded membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) in 2009 and completed a post graduate research degree (MD) at the University of Glasgow in 2019. His research focusing on angina pectoris in heart failure was published in a number of high impact journals. He is fully accredited in both transthoracic echo and transoesophageal echo. He also holds Level II accreditation in CT Coronary Angiography with the British Society of Cardiac Imaging.

Dr Badar was appointed as Consultant Cardiologist and Cardiac Imaging Lead in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, in 2017, before returning to take up a Consultant post in Greater Glasgow and Clyde in August 2023. He also undertakes specialist imaging sessions at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital.

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