Mr Madhur Shrivastava

Mr Madhur Shrivastava

Trauma & orthopaedic surgery 03409671

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Hip
  • Knee


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

My Basic Surgical Training took place in Bombay and included hepatobiliary, plastic and neurosurgery. I was awarded Fellow of the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Bombay in 1979. I became a Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of India in 1981.

I acquired FRCS in 1989 from Glasgow and MCh Orth in 1991 from the University of Liverpool.

My Higher Surgical Training took place at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham and St Thomas' and Guy' Hospital in London between 1991 and 1996.

I was then appointed as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Birmingham Heartlands & Solihull Hospital in 1996.

I was appointed a Lead for Audit, Education, and Trauma at the Heartlands Hospital between 1998 until 2015. I am responsible for the training of specialist registrars from Coventry and Warwickshire University.

I specialise in un-cemented primary and revision hip arthroplasty, primary and revision knee arthroplasty and reverse and total shoulder replacements.

I also perform arthroscopic surgery on knees, and shoulders for sports related injuries.

Areas of interest

Hip Pain Management of Hip Pain
Knee pain; Management of Knee Pain
Primary Hip Replacement;
Primary Knee Replacement;
Arthroscopic Sports Surgery;
Revision hip and knee replacement

Medical secretaries

About me
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • W3712

    Primary total hip replacement +/- cement - (1-5)

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