Dr Benjamin Shaw

Dr Benjamin Shaw

Audio-vestibular medicine 07169679

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Shaw is a leading Medical Specialist in dizziness, imbalance, tinnitus and hearing loss. Being a Consultant Physician in Audiovestibular Medicine and Neuro-otology, he is an experienced, highly skilled and highly trained medical expert in the diagnosis and management of these symptoms and conditions.

He holds a Substantive NHS Consultant post, covering all areas within Audiovestibular Medicine in both adults and children. He offers private consultations, and can arrange for high quality Audiovestibular Testing, for adults looking for first class and timely care, through the Harley Street Audiovestibular Clinic, Centennial Medical Care Elstree & Wimbledon NeuroCare at Parkside Hospital.

Known for his expert knowledge, compassionate nature and excellent communication, Dr Shaw prides himself in working in partnership with his patients, ensuring he always provides effective, holistic and patient-centred care.

Areas of interest

dizziness; vertigo; imbalance; tinnitus; hearing loss; balance disorders; audiovestibular; audio-vestibular; audiology; vestibular migraine; vestibular neuritis; meniere's disease; BPPV; PPPD; labyrinthitis; SCCD; endolymphatic hydrops; mal de debarquement; MDDS; visual vertigo; vestibular disorders; neurotology; neurootology; neuro-otology; functional vestibular disorders; ANSD; pulsatile tinnitus;

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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