Mr Mohammed Hassan

Mr Mohammed Hassan

Ophthalmology 03375752

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Medical
  • Oculoplastic surgery
  • Surgical


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon in Ophthalmology with interests in:
Cataract Surgery,
Anterior Segment (Corneal & External Eye Disorders, Corneal Graft,
All types of Glaucoma management,
Diabetic Retinopathy Laser treatment,
Paediatric Ophthalmology (Squints & Eye Disorders) ,
Acute Ophthalmic Emergency, and
Intra-vitreal Lucentis Injections for Exudative /Chroidal Neovascular Membrane in Aged Macular Degeneration of the Elderly since 28/06/2004.
Special interest in management of Giant Cell Arteritis

My weekly timetable consists of;
Two theatre sessions,
One laser session,
One cataract clinic,
One specialist Glaucoma clinic and
Two general clinics.
I am on –call in a 1:8 Rota.
I teach juniors on Friday afternoon post-graduate Teaching session, Barnsley & Rotherham hospitals Postgraduate Tuesday’s teaching session.
I teach medical students, and junior doctors, nurses and allied professionals staff in my outpatients, Laser and theatre sessions regularly.
I teach MRCP students twice a year at Rotherham & Barnsley Hospitals on Wednesday afternoon.

Areas of interest

Advanced suturless Very small Incision Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation under topical anaesthsia, management of all types of Glaucoma & Ocular Hypertension with drops, Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty and surgical with a non-penetrating / Deep Sclerectomy with Augmentation under Local Anaesthesia, any kind of Corneal infections & disease; Adult Strabismus ('squint'); Orbital surgery / disorders; Eye - external disorders; Lacrimal disorders

About me
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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