
Mr Mohammad Zaman

Naeem Zaman

Ophthalmology 03373231


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
  • Cataract Full Pathway provider

    I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital .

    This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.

    Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.

Fee assured
Open Referral network
Cataract Full Pathway provider

I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital .

This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.

Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.

Specialises in

  • Medical


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I have been a Consulant in The Hull and Not East Lincolnshire area for many years and have been practising in the Spire Hospital formerly known as Bupa from december 2003. I do cataract refractive surgery and results are meeting the college guidelines with vision and lesss than 1% complication rate.I do different implants depending on patients choice. I have regularly attended courses to keep myself current with the new developments.
I diagnose and treat AMD, Diabetic retinoathy, Uveits and other retinal disorders.
I am clinical lead in Diabetic retinopathy and follow the latest pathways to give my patientsI the best visual outcomes and the least complications.
I treat a lot of AMD patients . My experience with the latest technology gives me the confidence and treating my patients with the latest drugs and information.
I have done research in Retinal Vein Occlusions , Wert AMD and Diabetic retinopathy and attend regular seminars with the experts and the companies to provide the best and the latest treatment for my patients.
I see and manage patient having metamorphosis, flashes and floaters and dry eyes. So patients with blurred vision, discomfort in the eyes, red and inflamed eyes and genetical eye diseases..
I also manage Glaucoma patients. I am doing laser treatments and am aware of the latest drugs used in keeping the intra ocular pressure stable.
I have sarted seeing paediatric patients again as there is a high demand. I work with the orthoptist to manage Amblyopia .

Areas of interest

• Medical retina • Diabetic retinopathy, Uveitis, AMD.
Cataract refractive surgery.
Can do small lesion excision around the eye and can fast tract patients in the clinic.
Any patients with unexplained blurred vision and visual loss.
Flashes and floaters.
Red and inflammation of eyes.
Paediatric patients

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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