
Mr Rafael Saramago

Audiology 30028503

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Rafael Saramago was born in Portugal, he qualified in 2007 as BSc Audiology and went post-graduation in 2008 in Audiology as well by the Allied Health School in Oporto, he has 16 years of experience in the audiology field.
He pursued a career in audio-vestibular diagnosis, assessing patients with audiology and vestibular pathologies on NHS and private sector.
In 2014, Mr Saramago joined one of the leading independent NHS providers, with his experience and knowledge, he became a lead audiologist and he is now managing a wide service in London, training new audiologists and making sure they provide a centered care approach and the best clinical expertise to patients.
Rafael is passioned about helping patients with hearing loss, balance disorders, he also offers ear wax removal service via microsuction, for any bookings please see the contact the phone number below.

Areas of interest

Hearing loss
Ear Wax removal - microsuction
Hearing aid solutions
Vestibular assessments and rehab
Ear protection - custom made swimming plugs, noise plugs.

About me
My qualifications & training
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AU001

    Initial session with audiological testing - (5-50)

  • 20220

    Pure tone audiogram (air and bone conduction) - including masking - (5-50)

  • AU010

    Vestibular evoked EMG (VEMP, C - cervical or O - ocular) - (5-50)

  • AU006

    Tympanometry - including reflex testing - (5-50)

  • AU024

    Video head impulse testing vHIT goggles - (5-50)

  • AU017

    Caloric testing (including ice water) with VNG - (5-50)

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