
Dr Joshua Lauder

Clinical radiology 07266734

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • General cross sectional
  • General ultrasound
  • Head & neck radiology
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound

About me

Dr Joshua Lauder is a Consultant Radiologist with over 10 years' experience in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology. He is the lead radiologist for Head and Neck Cancer Service at ELHT. Josh Lauder runs a local Specialist Musculoskeletal MDTs including Rheumatology, Upper limb and Lower limb. He has a strong interest in medical education, acting as Lead Radiologist and Senior Clinical Lecturer at University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN).
Josh has a research interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), being the lead investigator for research into AI interpretation of foot x-rays in collaboration with The University of Manchester, where he is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer. He has presented at National and International Radiology and Medical Education conferences. He also authored 9 chapters of ABC of major trauma: rescue, resuscitation with imaging, and rehabilitation, 5th edition Peter A. Driscoll (editor). Dr Lauder is on the expert advisor panel for Elsevier 'Complete anatomy' software.

Areas of interest

Xray; CT; Ultrasound; US; MRI; MSK; Head and neck; Oncology; injections; ultrasound guided injections; FNA; biopsy

Medical secretaries

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Consultant's practices
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