Mr Ahmed Karim

Mr Ahmed Karim

General surgery 06164302

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr Karim specialises in the management of colorectal cancer with laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He also manages inflammatory bowel disease, colonic diverticular disease, pilonidal disease, haemorrhoids, anorectal sepsis, and lower GI endoscopy. As a general surgeon he manages emergency surgical conditions and major trauma affecting the abdomen.

He was appointed Consultant Surgeon at St George’s Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer at St George’s University of London 2018. He has clinics in colorectal and general surgery, inpatient and day surgery theatre lists and a lower gastrointestinal endoscopy list.

Mr Karim established the robotic colorectal surgery program at the Lister Hospital, as well as working at the Chelsea Outpatient centre.

Mr Karim has a previous background in Chemical engineering from University College London(UCL) in 2000. He qualified from UCL medical school in 2007. He completed core and specialist training in North London and the West midlands rotation respectively. Became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) England 2017. He completed a fellowship in advanced Rectal Cancer and Robotic Surgery at Royal Marsden Hospital London in 2018.

Mr Karim has a Masters degree in medical education and has extensive involvement in teaching and training. He is educational/clinical supervisor to junior doctors and specialist trainees. He has an active role with St. Georges Medical school as T year lead for surgery and as an examiner.

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

My qualifications & training
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Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • P3191

    Laparoscopic excision of recto-vaginal endometriosis including disc resection of rectum, +/-ureterolysis - (5-50)

    Lister Hospital (5-50)

  • H2502

    Diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy (including forceps biopsy and proctoscopy) - (5-50)

    Lister Hospital (5-50)

  • H2002

    Diagnostic colonoscopy, includes forceps biopsy of colon and ileum - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • H0280

    Laparoscopic appendicectomy - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • H3383

    Robotic assisted total mesorectal excision (TME) - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • H3320

    Abdominoperineal resection of rectum and anus - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • H3322

    Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • G7530

    Closure of ileostomy (as sole procedure) - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • T2002

    Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia - unilateral - (1-5)

  • P3190

    Laparoscopic excision of recto-vaginal endometriosis including rectal shave, +/-ureterolysis - (1-5)

    Lister Hospital (1-5)

  • Show All (16 )...
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