- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Cardiac CT/MRI
- General cardiology
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I am a Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital, North Central London. This is my second Consultant appointment having worked at NWAFT for 8 years, During that time I had clinical cardiology session acute medicine sessions, medical education and leadership roles. I was the Secondary care lead for the East of England cardiac network. I am president of the British nuclear cardiology Society and part of the BCS Imaging committee. I have previously held roles on the BSCI and BSE committee. I am a mother to three boys and have a wide range of hobbies outside of medicine.
My practice is patient centred. I take part in regular MDT's, clinical governance reviews, case reviews.
I have contributed to the iRefer Cardiac recommendations.
Areas of interest
General cardiology; valvular heart disease; cardiac dysfunction; cardio-geriatrics; Cardio-obsterics; cardio-oncology; Cardiac CT; Cardiac MRI; Nuclear Cardiology-DPD/ MPS
Medical secretaries
- Nichola Jones
- Kiln Barn The Maltings Alconbury Huntingdon PE28 4DZ
- 07547 900507
- 07547 900507
- NJones.MedSec@gmail.com