- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
- Cataract Full Pathway
I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital .
This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.
Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.
I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital .
This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.
Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Professor Ansari, FRCOphth MD, is Lead Clinician for Ophthalmology and head of glaucoma services at the Trust. He has trained extensively in the UK and abroad and has been a Consultant since 2001. He completed a highly regarded glaucoma fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, and as International Glaucoma Association Fellow, he completed a higher degree, MD, in glaucoma.
His area of expertise includes modern micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS) by phacoemulsification and he has vast experience in specialised intraocular lens technology including accommodative and multifocal lenses.
Glaucoma treatments include trabeculectomy, glaucoma tube/ valve implantation and laser treatments such as YAG, ALT, SLT and cyclodiode lasers. He has an international reputation for minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) including XEN gel stent and I-Stent implantation.
He also provides a general ophthalmology service that covers the full breadth of conditions in adults, children and also emergency work.
He has research affiliations with the University of Kent at Canterbury and is also developing a Masters degree in Ophthalmic Surgery (MCh) at Christchurch College, Canterbury. He is actively involved in clinical trials at the burgeoning eye research unit at the Trust and has conducted research into new drops for glaucoma and dry eye, and XEN gel stent for glaucoma. He lectures extensively in the UK and abroad.
He is also an examiner at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and an advisor to Clinical Commissioning Groups for the provision of community based eye care schemes.
Areas of interest
Cataract (phaco) surgery (micro-incision cataract surgery - MICS, day case); Glaucoma - medical, laser and surgery; Modern laser techniques for glaucoma - SLT, cyclodiode; Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery: I-Stent, XPress valve, augmented trabeculectomy with ologen implant / mitomycin C; XEN glaucoma implant; Triggerfish investigation; Paediatric ophthalmology; Corneal surgery / disease / pterygium; Strabismus ('squint'); Ocular oncology; Eye - external disorders; Lacrimal disorders; Oculoplastics; Dry eye and blepharitis: lipiflow treatment; Refractive surgery (non-laser): Implantable contact lens (ICL); Refractive lens exchange / MICS + multifocal lens implants, accomodative lens implants, light adjustable lens (LAL)
Medical secretaries
- Sonya Harper
- Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital Kingswood Road Tunbridge Wells TN2 4UL
- 01892 552935
- eansarisecretary@gmail.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Yag laser photodisruption of posterior capsule of lens (including laser capsulotomy) - unilateral - (5-50)
Laser trabeculoplasty (including topical or local anaesthetic) - bilateral - (1-5)
Laser trabeculoplasty (including topical or local anaesthetic) - unilateral - (1-5)
Lens implant/exchange - (1-5)
Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataract, with lens implant - unilateral (including topical or local anaesthetic) - (1-5)
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