Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Verified account
Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Interventional cardiology
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Educated at Cambridge University. Higher specialist training in London (Royal Brompton Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, Royal Free Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital). PhD research at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College, London.
Areas of interest
Coronary stenting; Congenital cardiology; Echocardiography; Angioplasty; Transthoracic echocardiography; Contrast echocardiography; Dobutamine stress echodardiography, Exercise stress echocardiography, Transoesophageal echocardiography; Exercise ECG; Ambultory ECG monitoring; Ambultory BP monitoring; Elecrocardiography
Medical secretaries
About me
Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant Cardiologist, East Cheshire NHS Trust since October 2001
Research interests
Research into single cardiac cell arrhythmias and neutrophil activation during myocardial infarction
Awards received
Numerous papers in the above research areas and several clinical areas. Book - Preparing for the MRCP part 2 - Cardiology. Egdell RM. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994. ISBN0-7923-8869-0
My qualifications & training
- MA
Cambridge University 1991
- MB BChir
Cambridge University 1989
- PhD
Imperial College, University of London 2000
Royal College of Physicians 2005
GMC registration
Reference number 3328657
Details of entry to specialist register
- Cardiology
, 2001
- General (Internal) Medicine
, 2001
Affiliations / memberships
Member of British Cardiovascular Society, European Society of Cardiology, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society, British Society of Echocardiography
My private practice
Practice hours
Appt Bookings
- Spire Regency Hospital, SK11 8DW
- Tuesday
- 18:00
- 20:00
- 01625 262828
- Spire Regency Hospital, SK11 8DW
- Wednesday
- 18:00
- 20:00
- 01625 262828
Post treatment communication
Following treatment of a Bupa member, I will communicate with GPs
in line with Department of Health, GMC and appropriate professional bodies
In the event of an urgent query following treatment, Bupa members should use the
following contact details
Dr. RM Egdell 01625 661 317