- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Dr Hagan is a consultant in general and respiratory medicine. He qualified from Birmingham Medical School and trained in major hospitals in the West Midlands; in addition he spent two years working in Papworth Hospital, Cambridge during a period of research into pulmonary vascular diseases and was awarded a Masters Degree by the University of Cambridge.
He has expertise in all aspects of general respiratory medicine including cough, breathlessness, interstitial lung disease, lung infections and pulmonary embolism and also works as a full time NHS consultant in the West Midlands.
Areas of interest
Asthma; Bronchiectasis; Breathless; COPD; Cough; Long/Post COVID complications; General Respiratory Medicine; Interstitial lung disease; Pneumonia; Pulmonary Embolism; Sarcoidosis; Tuberculosis/Non tuberculous mycobacterial lung disease
Medical secretaries
- Medserv - All BILLING / INVOICE queries
- 2nd Floor Rockwood House 9-17 Perrymount Road Haywards Heath RH16 3TW
- 020 3384 1952
- info@medserv.co.uk
- Susan Peniket
- Department of Respiratory Medicine City Hospital Dudley Road Birmingham B18 7QH
- 0121 507 5835
- susan.peniket@nhs.net