Dr Kalaichelvi Kukendrarajah

Dr Kalaichelvi Kukendrarajah

Chelvi Kukendra

Paediatrics 03289688


  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Community child health
  • Paediatric neurodisability

About me

Dr Chelvi Kukendrarajah is a Consultant Paediatrician and Lead Clinician for the Specialist Community Paediatric Services at the Hillingdon Child Development Centre, Central North West London Foundation Trust. She is a Consultant Paediatrician with an excellent record of training and many years of clinical experience. After graduation, she trained in Paediatrics and obtained her Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Dr Kukendrarajah worked in the internationally renowned National Centre for Social Communication disorder, Harper House Children's Service in Radlett and in various Teaching hospitals such as St Mary's Paddington and The Royal Free Hospital, London. During her Paediatric training she specialised in Neuro developmental problems and Neuro disabilities and received a Master degree at the University College London (UCL).
Dr Kukendrarajah has received several clinical excellence awards for her excellence work in NHS.

Dr Kukendrarajah has a particular interest in social communication disorders such as autism spectrum disorders and co existing conditions (ADHD, DCD, and Sleeping and Feeding disorders). She also has an extensive experienced in the in the field of neurodisability and child development, covering physical disabilities, learning difficulties, developmental co-ordination disorder (otherwise called as dyspraxia) and the full range of developmental disorders. Her approach is parent and child centered, so that parents and young people are able to make decisions and choices with the best possible opinion and options. She provides robust, evidence based developmental diagnosis, which many parents find invaluable in helping to choose intervention and secure support for their children.
She has extensive experience of working with a multidisciplinary team of professionals involving speech & language therapy, clinical psychology, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. In addition, she has experienced with working with the wider paediatric network and with local agencies including education and social services.
She currently provides multidisciplinary assessment and intervention (including psycho pharmacological intervention) for autism spectrum disorder and associated conditions such as ADHD, Dyspraxia (DCD) Challenging Behaviour, sleep and feeding problem. She has a team of highly specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational therapist, Clinical Psychologist and jointly works with Child Psychiatrist. Her speech and language therapists use Attention Autism intervention developed by Gina Davies. This has been proved very useful predominantly for preschool and primary school aged children. Therapists regularly attend ADOS-2 reliability scoring and independently score ADOS 2 assessment in order to get the reliable score.
She is also fully trained and experienced in the use of specialist instruments such as standardised assessments 3Di - Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview, DISCO, and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS).

Areas of interest

Assessment and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder; ADHD and Developmental Coordination Disorder DCD (otherwise known as Dyspraxia); and other associated medical problems and treatment (medication). Assessment of Neurodevelopment problem (e.g. speech delay or disorder) and behavioural problems; Cerebral Palsy; Epilepsy, Feeding and sleeping disorders and learning difficulties. Normal developmental check

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