Dr Mohammed Amjed Khan

Dr Mohammed Amjed Khan


Cardiology, General (internal) medicine 03257070


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • General cardiology
  • Structural/Heart failure


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I have worked as a medical doctor for more than 30 years and have more than twenty years experience in cardiology including 16 years at Consultant level. I deal with cardiology emergencies, out patient clinics and have access to a full array of cardiac investigations. I treat patients with angina, heat attack, furred up /blocked arteries, heart failure, Atrial fibrillation /flutter (AF), arrhythmias high choleterol and blood pressure. I perform cardiac catheterisation (Angiogram) and permanent Pacemaker (single and dual). I offer a full range of cardiac investigations (including 12 lead ECG, Holter Monitoring, event recording, Echocardiograph) and treatments including angioplasty and heart bypass with my team.

I have also taken part in important research including £1.5m funding from the NHS and £440,000 form BHF. I am the founder of Heart Specialist Clinic Ltd set up to treat my private patients with treatments tailored to the individual.

I'm honoured to be a TEDx speaker and to be awarded clinical excellence awards. I also do charity work and have have given interviews on a number of TV shows and two radio shows.

Areas of interest

Heart failure; Coronary / ischaemic heart disease (angina); heart attacks; Arrhythmia's; AF; SVT; Cardiac imaging; ECG; Echocardiography; Cardiac Computed tomography (Cardiac CT); Cardiac Magnetic resonance imaging (Cardiac MRI); Cardiovascular disease epidemiology; hypertension; cholesterol; lipids; palpitations; AF; SVT, holter monitoring; event recording, Internal Loop Recorder Insertion, coronary angiography, cardiac catheterisation; pacemakers; single chamber device; two chamber device; cardiac risk assessment; valvular heart disease; cardiomyopathy; HOCM;

Medical secretaries

About me
About my work
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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