Dr Salwa Kamourieh

Dr Salwa Kamourieh

Neurology 06163924


  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Salwa Kamourieh is a consultant neurologist at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen square, London, UK. Dr Kamourieh trained at Imperial College London and completed her general medical training in Southwest London leading up to obtaining the MRCP in 2010. She subsequently obtained a PhD at Imperial College London and completed her Neurology training at Imperial College NHS trust. During her training she developed an interest in the management of headache disorders and took up the consultant post at UCLH in 2020.

Dr Kamourieh’s specialist interests focus on the management of primary refractory headache disorders (chronic migraine, vestibular migraine and the trigeminal autonomic cephalagias), with specific interest in neurostimulation for intractable headache and headache education for both academic and clinical students. Dr Kamourieh has authored a number of scientific papers, book chapters and has also presented at a number of national medical conferences and teaching courses.

Areas of interest

chronic migraine; migraine; headache; vestibular migraine; trigeminal autonomic cephalagia; facial pain; cluster headache; SUNCT/SUNA; trigeminal neuralgia; hemicrania continua; paroxysmal hemicrania; low pressure headaches; high pressure headaches; IIH; neurostimulation for intractable headache; Botox; nerve blocks for headache; CGRP monoclonal antibodies

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