- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Angus was appointed as a Consultant in 2009 after Fellowship training in shoulder and elbow surgery. His elective practice includes shoulder, elbow and hand surgery. Angus teaches on national and international shoulder and elbow courses. Angus works within a Major trauma centre providing specialist treatment for upper limb fractures and soft tissue injuries. Angus regularly receives instructions for medico-legal work for general and upper limb injuries, industrial claims and medical negligence cases.
Areas of interest
Shoulder and elbow conditions; Upper limb fractures; Dislocations; Shoulder and elbow arthritis; Rotator cuff tears; Frozen Shoulder; Biceps tenon; Tennis Elbow; Cubital tunnel syndrome; Stiff elbow; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Trigger finger; De Quervain's tenosynovitis; Dupyutren's disease; Basal thumb arthritis; Terminal finger joint arthritis; Ganglion cysts;
Medical secretaries
- Glasgow Shoulder & Elbow Clinic
- Nuffield Health Glasgow Hospital 25 Beaconsfield Road Glasgow G12 0PJ
- info@glasgowshoulderandelbow.co.uk
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Alan Macfarlane
Fee Assured
- Dr Robert Hart
Fee Assured
- Dr David MacPherson
Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa - unilateral - (1-5)
Coracoid bone block transfer for recurrent instability of shoulder (Bristow-Latarjet procedure) - (1-5)
Primary arthroscopic shoulder stabilisation procedure (including labral/SLAP/tendon repair) - (1-5)
Arthroscopic arthrolysis of elbow (as sole procedure) - (1-5)