Dr Paul Warwicker

Dr Paul Warwicker

Pawel Warwicker

General (internal) medicine, Renal medicine 03189685

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Paul Warwicker BSC MB BS FRCP MD is a Consultant Nephrologist and former Clinical Director of the Lister Renal Unit in Stevenage. He was awarded a BSc in pharmacology at London University in 1984, and qualified in medicine (MB BS) at St Bartholomew’s Hospital school of medicine in 1987, also being awarded the Bentley prize in medicine in 1987, and the Wix medal for medical history (also in 1987).
He trained in nephrology at several teaching hospitals including St Bartholomews and the Royal Free, Brighton on the south coast of England and Middlesbrough and Newcastle in the north- east.
Whilst in Newcastle in the mid 1990s his research in molecular genetics with Professors Tim and Judith Goodship led to the genetic mapping of the familial form of atypical HUS and the descriptions of the first HUS-related mutations and polymorphisms in the factor H gene in both familial and sporadic HUS. He was awarded an MD in molecular genetics in 2000, and elected fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in the same year.
He was appointed Consultant Nephrologist to the Lister Hospital in Stevenage in 1998, becoming acting Clinical Director in 2005, and full Clinical Director in 2008, standing down after 5 years. He moved to the north west in 2017 and was appointed as Consultant Nephrologist to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, covering East Lancashire.

Areas of interest

Chronic and acute kidney disease
General nephrology

Medical secretaries

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