Ms Louise Brocklesby

Ms Louise Brocklesby

Orthoptics 30040159

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Having worked as a qualified Orthoptist for over 10 years, seeing both NHS and private patients, I have extensive experience investigating, diagnosing and managing patients of all ages and a vast array of conditions. These include children and adults with special needs, childhood and adult strabismus, double vision and eye movement disorders caused by cranial nerve palsies, orbital fractures, thyroid eye disease and myasthenia gravis.

Areas of interest

I have a special interest in patients with neuro-ophthalmic conditions and have carried out post-graduate further study in these areas. I am also proficient at carrying out Visual Fields, OCT scans, Fluorescein Fundus Angiography and Biometry to a very high standard.

My expertise encompass children's tailored patching treatment and accurate prismatic correction for double vision. I am focused about patient centered care and will ensure that I create personal management plans to each of my patient's needs.

About me
My qualifications & training
Consultant's practices
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