External resources
Current NHS consultant posts held
I was appointed Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology to the now Medway NHS FT in 1997. Since 2007 I have been the clinical director. I have established a reputation for leading from the front and transformational change for patient benefit. I walk the talk and have an engaging leadership style.
Research interests
I have published in peer reviewed journals on prolonged pregnancy and the long term consequences of oestrogen deficiency. More recently I have been examining the post-operative outcomes in different types of laparoscopic hysterectomy and reconstructive surgery for uterovaginal prolapse.
Personal interests
I am an avid follower of Rugby Union. I enjoy Alpine Ski-ing and adventure holidays. My greatest passion is to spend quality time with my wife and children. I participate in a number of charitable projects in the developing world with such organisations as Adventist development Relief Agency, Friendship Lifebuoy, Global Peace & unity and Rotary International.
(Additional) Languages spoken
- Hindi
- Fluent
- Urdu
- Basic
Bharathan R, Rawesh R and Ahmed H, Written consent for laparoscopic tubal occlusion and medico-legal implications. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2009:35(3) 177-179
Bharathan R, Merritt S and Ahmed AIH, Laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy: trainees views. Oral presentation European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy Barcelona Sept 2010-10-07
Merritt S, Bharathan R and Ahmed AIH, Laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancies and clinical competence in newly appointed UK consultants. Poster presentation European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy Barcelona Sept 2010-10-07
Bharathan R, Merrit S and Ahmed H, Laparoscopic tubal surgery for ectopic pregnancy: trainees’ perspective in the UK. Gynecological Surgery 2012;9(2):223-229
Ahmed AIH, Wisa H, Cheema K and Wright JT. Feasibility of an RCT to compare post-operative recovery following laparoscopic hysterectomy with recovery following laparoscopic sub-total hysterectomy. Oral free communication European Society of Gynecological Endoscopy Sept 2012
Courses offered to GPs
HRT - Who, what, when and how?
Prolapse and incontinence- women have options.
Pelvic pain and dyspareunia-how can we help women?