Research interests
Alongside my clinical work, I had the privilege of being a Clinical Lecturer and Academic Tutor on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Training Programme at the University of Leeds from 2015-2021.
I lectured on a range of topics, including clinical competencies, research design and methodology, statistical analysis, personal and professional development, the lifespan, grief, diversity, and service user involvement.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and was external examiner for the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programme at University of Surrey from 2017-2021.
It was a great pleasure to be able to supervise a range of Doctoral thesis projects (see Publications section). Research interests continue to include: clinical supervision, psychometrics and measure development, child, adolescent and family mental health, male mental health, community-based endeavours.
I also occasionally write articles for The Square Ball, which requires 'research' of a different sort!
-Latchford, G., Cliffe, T., Hemmingfield, J., Hughes, J., Isherwood, T., & Masterson, C (2020). Evidence for the Utility of Wider Roles for Clinical Psychologists and Related Saving Efficiencies and Service Improvements:
Newer Roles in Clinical Psychology. Division of Clinical Psychology.
-Reiser, R., Cliffe T., & Milne, D (2018). An improved competence rating scale for CBT Supervision: Short-SAGE. Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 11.
-Cliffe T, Beinart H, Cooper M. (2016). Development and Validation of a Short Version of the Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 23, 77-86.
-Milne, D., Reiser, R., & Cliffe, T. (2013). An N=1 evaluation of enhanced CBT supervision. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 41, 210-220.
-Milne, D., Reiser, R., Cliffe, T., Breese, L., Boon, A., Raine, R., & Scarratt, P. (2011). A qualitative comparison of cognitive-behavioural and evidence-based clinical supervision. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4, 152-166.
-Milne, D., Reiser, R., Cliffe, T., & Raine, R. (2011). SAGE: preliminary evaluation of an instrument for observing competence in CBT supervision. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4, 123-138.
DClinPsych supervised thesis projects, which can be accessed here (
-Kerrigan, L. (2021). Exploring Fathers’ Experiences of Parenting their Adolescent Daughters with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
-Piclet, Rebecca. (2021). Fathers’ Experiences of Parenting a Young Adult with Down’s syndrome.
-Shand, S. (2021). Express yourself - the experience of adolescents in a community-based music project.
-Holt, Nicola (2020). Masculinity and psychotherapy: a qualitative study of clinical psychologists' experiences working with men.
-Siena, Maria (2020). Beyond Comparison: The Impact of Viewing Different Male Body Types on Mood, Body Satisfaction and Intention to Diet and Exercise in Young Men.
-Wintermeyer, Catherine (2020). Exploring the experiences of young people from an ethnic minority background in accessing and engaging with CAMHS.
-Osler, Danielle (2019). The lived experience of adults with anagen syndrome: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.
-Singer, Lucy. (2019). Exploring the psychological impact of miscarriage on men.
-White, Sam (2019). What sporting factors have an impact on the mood of male professional athletes?
-Eastaugh, Rachel (2017). The experiences of