Ms Aseel Hamoud Bedan

Ms Aseel Hamoud Bedan

Aseel Bedan

Ophthalmology 07095890


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Surgical


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Ms Aseel Bedan is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Western Eye Hospital Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. She used to hold a consultant job at Ashford & St.Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She had a medical retina and research fellowship at Western Eye Hospital Imperial College between 2015-2017, she held a Consultant ophthalmic job at Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust from 2017-2019.
She obtained FRCS Glasg, MRCSI , EBO. She was qualified as a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Iraq since 2004.

Areas of interest

She has a keen interest in training. She's the diabetic retina lead consultant at Western Eye Hospital. She joined Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals as a consultant in 2019. She set up and leads the ophthalmology research service.
Her special interests include routine/ complex cataract surgery, medical retinal diseases including age-related macular degeneration with OCT, FFA, ICG, intravitreal injection therapy with Anti-VEGF. Diabetic eye disease including Argon & Micro-pulse laser treatment, anti-VEGF & steroid injection with elyea, lucentis, ozurdex and illuvien. Retinal vein occlusion management with intravitreal injections and laser. Central serous retinopathy treatment.
General ophthalomolgy.

Medical secretaries

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