Professor Mark E Batt

Professor Mark E Batt

Sports & Exercise Medicine (consultant) 03010907


  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Consultant in Sport and Exercise Medicine

Prof Mark Batt is a Consultant in Sport and Exercise Medicine. Until 2019 he had a busy NHS practice at The Centre for Sports Medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. He is a past Fellow at The NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement.

He graduated from Cambridge University Medical School in 1984 and trained in Family Medicine. He obtained a Diploma in Sports Medicine from the University of London in 1991 and completed a fellowship in Sports Medicine at the University of California, Davis (UCD) in 1993. The next two years were spent as a faculty member in Family Medicine at UCD and as a team physician at the University of California, Berkeley.

Since 1995, he has been in Nottingham as a Consultant/Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Medicine at the Nottingham University Hospitals: appointed Special Professor in 2004. He served for 2½ years as clinical director for Trauma and Orthopaedics. He was the Q-Active programme director – a workplace health and wellness programme based at The Queens Medical Centre:

He serves or served as a consultant for The England and Wales Cricket Board, The Rugby Football League, British Gymnastics, The English Institute of Sport, The Wimbledon Tennis Championships, ATP and the WTA.

He is a Past-President of the Faculty of Sport & Exercise Medicine (2009-12) and past Chairman of the Specialist Advisory Committee in SEM. He chaired the work-group which produced the successful case for SEM as a specialty of medicine (2005).

Areas of interest

Sports Injuries: children, adolescents & adults (young to elderly); Musculoskeletal pain related to physical activity Illness or injury related to physical activity, exercise & sport involving: Neck; Shoulder; Arm; Elbow; Forearm; Wrist; Chest wall; Abdominal wall; Back; Buttock; Hip; Groin; Thigh; Knee; Patella; Lower leg; Calf; Ankle; Heel; Foot; Rotator cuff; Subacromial; Tennis/Golfers elbow; Meniscus; Achilles tendon; Sports hernia; Quadriceps; Hamstring; Anterior knee pain; Osgood-Schlatters; LBP (Adolescents and Sport-related); Shin pain or splints; Foot assessment; Metatarsal; Injection; Injury; Pain; Stress fracture; Avulsion fracture; Subluxation; Instability; Impingement; Cartilage damage/injury; Chondromalacia; Synovitis; Effusion; Swelling; Bursitis; Locked-blocked; Muscle; Strain; Sprain; Tear; Rupture; Spasm; Cramp; Overuse; Tendinitis; Tendinosis; Apophysitis; Enthesopathy; Periostitis; Haematoma; Bruise; Numbness; Paraesthesiae; Malalignment; Maltracking; Mechanical

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