Mr James Myerscough

Mr James Myerscough

Ophthalmology 07042568

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
  • Cataract Full Pathway provider

    I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Spire Hartswood Hospital, Southend Private Hospital .

    This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.

    Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.

Fee assured
Open Referral network
Cataract Full Pathway provider

I offer Bupa customers standard cataract surgery on the Full Pathway package option at Spire Hartswood Hospital, Southend Private Hospital .

This package includes your appointments before and after surgery, as well as your surgery and mono-focal lenses. It means you won’t use up your out-patient benefit or receive any additional bills from your surgeon (or anaesthetist, if you need one) for eligible treatment.

Please call the Bupa Eye Care team to find out more about and to pre-authorise your treatment on 0345 600 7267.


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

James is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon specialising in complex cataract surgery and corneal transplantation. He trained across different centres in the UK, before completing a fellowship in cornea and laser assisted cataract surgery at Cambridge University NHS Hospital. Passionate about further improving visual outcomes for his patients, he moved to Italy to learn ‘first-hand’ cutting edge techniques in one of the most prestigious surgical centres in the world under the mentorship of the global pioneer Professor Massimo Busin. James has integrated these techniques into his UK practice to benefit local patients.
James is actively engaged in research, evidenced by his regular publications in high impact peer reviewed scientific journals on the topic of novel techniques of corneal transplantation. In addition to running a corneal fellowship programme in which he trains international candidates on a one year programme in the NHS at Southend, he lectures internationally, and runs surgical courses for surgeons around Europe via the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons.
James’ comprehensive training and experience underpins the bespoke service he is able to offer his patients, with a particular interest in reducing spectacle dependence following cataract surgery. James knows just how personal important decisions relating to our eyesight are, and, for that reason, takes time in clinic to thoroughly understand each patient’s visual experience and requirements before discussing a tailored treatment plan.

Areas of interest

Laser assisted cataract surgery
Complex cataract surgery
Spectacle independence
Corneal transplantation
Dry eye disease
General Ophthalmology

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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