Dr Christopher Garnett

Dr Christopher Garnett

Sports & Exercise Medicine (consultant) 07041309

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Garnett is a Consultant in Sport and Exercise Medicine. He works in both NHS and private musculoskeletal clinics and in professional sport for the FA with the England Men's development teams, British Triathlon and Huddersfield Town Football Club.

Dr Garnett specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, including sport and work-related injuries and osteoarthritis. He sees patients of all ages and levels of physical activity, including elite athletes and the general public.

He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2009 before undertaking his postgraduate medical training in London. He then completed higher specialist training in Sport and Exercise Medicine in Yorkshire, where he worked at the English Institute of Sport and the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine. He is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians and a Fellow of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine.

Dr Garnett has extensive experience working in elite sport and has previously held medical roles at Sheffield United FC, Yorkshire County Cricket Club, Sheffield Wednesday FC, Great Britain Boxing and The Huddersfield Giants. He has also worked at international sports events including the 2021 The Hundred Cricket Tournament, 2017 IAAF World Athletics Championships, 2016 European Aquatics Championships and the 2016 European Women's Boxing Championships.

Areas of interest

Sport and exercise medicine; Musculoskeletal medicine; Tendon, muscle and joint injuries; Sports injuries; Tendinopathy; Overuse injuries; Running injuries; Stress fractures; MSK ultrasound; Ultrasound-guided injections; Shockwave therapy; Shoulder pain; Tennis elbow: Hand and wrist pain; Hip disorders; Groin disorders; Knee pain; Achilles tendon; Ankle pain; Back pain; Sciatica; Joint injection; Soft tissue injection; Concussion

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Consultant's practices
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