Mr Ali Amini

Mr Ali Amini

Oral surgery 07508118


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Mr Amini is a specialist surgeon of the Mouth, Jaw and Face at the Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (including Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals) . He is happy to treat any condition that affects the mouth, neck, jaw and face - from impacted wisdom teeth to facial trauma, from salivary gland stones to dental implants. He has a long experience in working in UK as well as Sweden, where he obtained his Dental surgery degree at Kungliga Karolinska Institute before moving to UK for his medical trainee.

Areas of interest

Oral and dental surgery including removal of wisdom teeth; complex buried roots and cysts of jaw.
Oral medicine including mouth ulcers; sore mouth / discolored patches in the oral cavity, neck/tongue/ lip lumps.
Oral infections and jaw cysts.
Orthognathic/Facial Deformity Surgery
Facial Skin Surgery
Dental implants, bone grafting and sinus lifts.
Salivary gland disease, submandibular gland conditions,?
In addition he covers head and neck trauma; facial fractures; jaw fractures, dental implants.

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
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