
Mr Thomas Lemmon

Counselling 30038316


  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Qualified 1995, 25 years in private practice as a counsellor. Also Senior Therapist with Keys Childcare for 10 years,
A counsellor in secondary schools for 8 years.
Now working from offices in Clitheroe.
Also have worked for AXA-PPP and Aviva.

Areas of interest

Trauma; attachmen;, loss;
OCD; self harm; anxiety and depression.

Specialist interests and expertise in the following physical conditions

  • Cardiac conditions
  • Eating disorders

Medical secretaries

  • Majorie Lemont
  • 1 Highmoor Park Clitheroe BB7 1JB
  • 01200 444065
Consultant's practices
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