- Not Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
About me
Godfrey Charnley trained at St Thomas' Hospital Medical School in London before specialising in orthopaedic surgery in both London and Bristol.
To add to his UK training he had advanced Fellowship training in Basel, Switzerland (knee surgery), Seattle, USA, in complex pelvic and acetabular fracture surgery and in Paris in complex primary and revision hip replacement surgery.
Mr Charnley has over 25-years now of Consultant experience in the field of hip and knee replacement surgery and is a member of both the British and European Hip Societies as well as being a member of the French Orthopaedic Association.
He has given instructional lectures in South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and France and has published over 50 pieces of work and four book chapters with colleagues on various aspects of joint replacement and trauma surgery. He has been an examiner for the FRCS (Orth.) examination for 10 years and a Regional Clinical Co-ordinator for the National Joint Registry of England and Wales. He continues with his clinical research and also is a reviewer for the European Hip Society's journal Hip International.
Mr Charnley performs several hip and knee replacements each week at Springfield Hospital where his private practice is based and he also operates at Broomfield Hospital in the NHS.
In view of his experience, Mr Charnley is regularly instructed by Lawyers to give an opinion on the outcome or otherwise of joint replacement surgery and is a recognised Expert Witness both in Claimant and Defendant cases.
Areas of interest
Primary and Revision Hip Replacement Surgery; Proximal Femoral Replacement Surgery; Total Knee Replacement Surgery and Knee Arthroscopy but not ligament reconstruction;
Medical secretaries
- Anne Carter
- Springfield Hospital Lawn Lane Chelmsford CM1 7GU
- 01245 234020
- anne.carter@ramsayhealth.co.uk
- Sarah Sargeant
- Springfield Hospital Lawn Lane Chelmsford CM1 7GU
- 01245 234095
- sarah.sargeant2@ramsayhealth.co.uk
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Mohammed Qamruddin
Fee Assured
- Dr Kevin Kiff
Fee Assured
- Dr Bruce Rodda
Not Fee Assured
- Dr Edward Breeze
Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Primary total hip replacement +/- cement - (5-50)
Ramsay Springfield Hospital (5-50)
Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint +/- cement +/- patella resurfacing - unilateral - (1-5)
Soft tissue operations in the region of the greater trochanter (trochanteric bursitis, snapping hip) - (1-5)
Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (1-5)
Removal of internal fixation from bone / joint, excluding K-wires +/- image guidance - (1-5)