Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant physician Western General Hospital Edinburgh since 1994.
Research interests
As Honorary Professor at University of Edinburgh, my research interests include preventing diabetes, quality measures in diabetes, epidemiology and remote monitoring of diabetes. He has around 100 publications in peer reviewed journals.
Personal interests
My biggest interest is my family. I also enjoy golf, cycling, Scottish country dancing, swimming and walking our dog.
Awards received
2004 - Health Foundation team leadership award
2006 - Hospital Doctor diabetes team of the year award
Selected publications:-
Statins should be routinely prescribed in all adults with diabetes; Against; Lyall MJ and McKnight JA. Pract Diab Int 2010; 27 (9): 404-6.
Colhoun HM, Livingstone SJ, Looker HC, Morris AD, Wild SH, Lindsay RS, Reed C, Donnan PT, Guthrie B, Leese GP, McKnight J, Pearson DW, Pearson E, Petrie JR, Philip S, Sattar N, Sullivan FM, McKeigue P; Hospitalised hip fracture risk with rosiglitazone and pioglitazone use compared with other glucose-lowering drugs.
Diabetologia. 2012 Nov;55(11):2929-2937
Lynn Kilbride, Gillian Aitken, Jacqui, Charlton, Gordon Hill, Richard Davison, John McKnight
Managing Blood Glucose During and After Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes: Reproducibility of glucose response and a trial of a structured algorithm adjusting insulin and carbohydrate intake
Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011: 20, 3423–3429
McKnight, John A.
How are we doing? Diabetes care in Scotland.
Diabetes and primary care 2012; 14 (1)
Brian Kennon, Graham Leese, Lynda Cochrane, Helen Colhoun, Sarah Wild, Duncan Stang, Naveed Sattar, Donald Pearson, Robert S. Lindsay, Andrew Morris, Shona Livingstone, Matthew Young, John McKnight and Scott Cunningham
Reduced incidence of lower extremity amputations in people with diabetes in Scotland: a nationwide study
Livingstone SJ, Looker HC, Hothersall EJ, Wild SH, Lindsay RS, Chalmers J, Cleland S, Leese GP, McKnight J, Morris AD, Pearson DW, Peden NR, Petrie JR, Philip S, Sattar N, Sullivan F, Colhoun HM.
Risk of cardiovascular disease and total mortality in adults with type 1 diabetes: Scottish registry linkage study.
PLoS Med. 2012 Oct;9(10):e1001321.
Raj S Bhopal,Anne Douglas, Sunita Wallia, John F Forbes, Michael Lean, Jason M RGill, John McKnight, Naveed Sattar, Aziz Sheikh, Sarah H Wild, JaakkoTuomilehto4, Anu Sharma, Ruby Bhopal, Joel B E Smith , Isabella Butcher, Gordon Murray
Effect of a lifestyle intervention on weight change in south Asian individuals in the UK at high risk of type 2 diabetes: a family-cluster randomised controlled trial
Courses offered to GPs
Any aspects of diabetes care