- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Hip
- Knee
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I have completed my basic medical training in India at the prestigious medical institute, Christian Medical College, Vellore. Following the completion of one year rotating internship, I have worked in a rural mission hospital for a period of three years, and subsequently in a cardiac ICU.
After arriving in the UK, I have been trained in the field of Trauma & Orthopaedic surgery predominantly in the north-west region. Having completed my specialist exam - FRCS in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, I have enhanced my skills by completing two fellowships in Melbourne. These fellowships were in the Alfred Hospital and Monash Health, over a period of 18 months in complex hip and knee arthoplasty, complex trauma, and soft-tissue reconstruction of the knee.
I have been a consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Macclesfield performing high volume arthoplasty with consistently excellent results and feedback.
My special interests include osteotomy surgery for the young patients with knee arthritis, to realign the leg. I strongly believe that healthy life-style prevents most of the modern preventable diseases.
Research interests: Natural remedies for patients suffering with arthritis. Clinical outcomes in patients with metal-on-metal hip replacement.
Areas of interest
hip pain; trochanteric bursitis; Hip replacement surgery; primary and revision hip replacement surgery; Joint manipulation treatment ; Joint pain treatment (joint injections); PRP injections of hip for tendiopathy
Knee arthroscopy surgery; Primary Knee replacement; Revision knee replacement;
knee cartilage surgery; menisectomy; meniscal tear; osteoarthritis; knee joint alignment, high tibial osteotomy; distal femoral osteotomy; anterior knee pain; PRP injections, Steroid injection, Visco-supplementation injections.
Lower limb fractures; Hip fractures; Knee fractures, Ankle fractures, Peri-prosthetic fractures of knee;
Peri-prosthetic fractures of hip
Medical secretaries
- Denise Rowbotham
- Spire Regency Hospital West street Macclesfield Cheshire SK11 8DW
- 01625 507472
- Denise.Rowbotham@spirehealthcare.com
- Hayley Cook
- Spire Manchester Hospital 170 Barlow Moor Road Manchester M20 2AF
- 07712 200390
- 07423 669140
- hayleycook2@hotmail.com
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Kingsley Enohumah
Fee Assured
- Dr Nirendra Jena
Not Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Primary total hip replacement +/- cement - (1-5)
Spire Regency Hospital (1-5)
Debridement and primary suture of wound with involvement of deeper tissue - trunk & limbs - (1-5)
Spire Regency Hospital (1-5)
Debridement of infected total joint replacement - (1-5)
Spire Regency Hospital (1-5)