
Mr Richard S Cartmill

Obstetrics and gynaecology 02805111

  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Gynaecology

About me

After graduating from The Queens’ University of Belfast, Richard did his houseman’s year at Belfast’s Royal Victoria Hospital. His training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology was at three major teaching hospitals- Royal Maternity Hospital, Belfast, St James’s University Hospital (Jimmie’s) Leeds, and the Jessop Hospital for Women, Sheffield before being appointed as a Consultant in Sutton Coldfield.

He is Regional Preceptor for hysteroscopy training and runs 3 out-patient hysteroscopy clinics each week for the investigation of abnormal uterine bleeding (post-menopausal and bleeding between periods) under local anaesthesia. He specialises in endometrial ablation techniques and has published and presented on thermachoice and novasure ablation technologies. Uterine polypmorcellation is the latest technique he has introduced to his clinical practice.

A BSCCP certified colposcopist and trainer, he can advise and manage on abnormal smears including HPV screening. He is happy to offer advice on menopause and HRT.

Richard trained as a general gynaecologist and offers a full range of procedures including investigation of pelvic pain and laparoscopic treatment for endometriosis, hysterectomy, removal of ovarian cysts, prolapse surgery including vaginal hysterectomy and perineal/vulval surgery.

Richard offers a personalised approach to managing your problem using newer technologies with a minimal approach to care reserving major surgery where needed whilst adhering to NICE guidelines.

Richard has been involved in postgraduate Obstetric and Gynaecological Training for the past 20 years. He was RCOG College Tutor and a Clinical Tutor before taking up the role of Head of PostgraduateTraining in O&G in West Midlands in 2009. He is responsible for ensuring high training standards and trainee assessments of around 160 trainees.

He is a Senior Medical examiner, University of Birmingham. He has published and presented many scientific articles including papers on Down’s Syndrome screening, partograms in labour, Thermachoice, Novasure and versipoint and one-stop see and treat in colposcopy.

He was West Midland’s Regional College Advisor, RCOG (2009-2015).

Areas of interest

Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB);
Abnormal bleeding (between periods / after menopause);
Minimal treatments for HMB (Novasure) and uterine polyp removal (hysteroscopic morcellation);
Menopause symptoms;
Pelvic pain;
Cancer screening (uterus and ovarian);
Treatment for abnormal smears;
Perineal vulval surgery

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • Q1700

    Therapeutic hysteroscopic operations on uterus (including endometrial ablation excluding microwave or radiofrequency ablation) +/- Mirena coil insertion - (1-5)

    Spire Little Aston Hospital (1-5)

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