- Bupa Platinum consultant
- Fee assured
- Awaiting verification
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Pain medicine
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I am a consultant in pain medicine and anaesthetics. After finishing my medical degree from India, I moved to Ireland and completed my anaesthetic training over there. Following this I undertook fellowships in pain medicine in Ireland and England and obtained excellent training in this sub-speciality. I have been awarded the Fellowship in Anaesthesia and Diploma in Pain Medicine from the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland and its Faculty of Pain Medicine respectively.
I have led and been involved in many research projects and published numerous articles in peer-reviewed medical journals. I regularly attend conferences and workshops to keep myself updated on the last advances in the field of pain medicine. I teache pain medicine trainees and medical students and have been a faculty member on courses. I am responsible for training of junior doctors at the University Hospital of Wales.
I work in the NHS as Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthetics at University Hospital of Wales and University Hospital Llandough. I treat patients with various types of chronic pain conditions and has a special interest in spinal pain, neuropathic (nerve) pain, headache, migraine (Botox for migraine) and cancer pain. I manage patients holistically and follow the biopsychosocial model of pain management.
In the private sector I work at Nuffield Health, Cardiff and Vale Hospitals.
Areas of interest
Back pain; Pelvic Pain; Neck pain; Whiplash; Sciatica; Sports injuries; Piriformis syndrome; Diabetic neuropathy; Neuropathic pain (nerve pain); post-shingles pain, medication/radiation pain; Migraine; Occipital neuralgia; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; Cancer pain; Phantom pain/post amputation pain; Fibromyalgia; Chronic pain after surgery
Medical secretaries
- Samantha Harris
- 07438 373884
- secretarydrguru@gmail.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Sacroiliac joint injection under image guidance (and bilateral) - (1-5)
Radiofrequency (including pulsed denervation), cryoprobe or phenol for permanent lesion of named peripheral nerve +/- image guidance - (1-5)
Intramuscular injection(s) with x-ray control (e.g. piriformis block) - (1-5)
Injection(s) +/- aspiration, into joint, cyst, bursa with image guidance - unilateral - (1-5)