- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Adult
- Paediatric
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
MBChB University of Sheffield Medical School 2001
DOHNS Diploma in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery 2005
MRCS 2005
FRCSEd (ORL-HNS) Fellowship of the Royal College Surgeons of Edinburgh 2011
ENT training at the Great Ormond Street Hospital, Royal National Throat Nose Ear Hospital, St George’s Hospital London, Oxford and Reading. Higher ENT Surgical Training in Wales, leading to entry into Specialist Register in 2013.
Appointed consultant at Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust in 2015
Honorary consultant at Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 2015
I am part of a team in delivering broad range of general and specialist ENT Services at the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, promoting day case surgery in keeping with the recommendations of the British Association of Day Surgery and the National Targets whilst at the same time supporting practitioners in primary care and contribute to junior doctor training, participate in audit and research programmes and take an active interest in the management of the speciality both at Princess Alexandra Hospital and Broomfield Hospital.
Areas of interest
Paediatrics - Symptoms related to tonsils (tonsillitis); adenoids; nasal obstruction; nose bleed; allergy; hearing loss; glue ears; ear infection; sleep apnoe symptoms; tongue tie division; neck lumps; correction of prominent ears (pinnaplasty).
Adults - All general ENT inc. tonsillitis; snoring; tonsils stones ( procedures - tonsillectomy / adenoidectomy, sleep naso-endoscopy, snoring surgery);
Nose / sinuses - nasal obstruction; runny nose; nose bleed; allergy; sinusitis (procedures undertaken - Sinus surgery; balloon dilation of sinuses (sinuplasty), septoplasty; rhinoplasty; sinus washout; reduction of turbinates; nasal cautery);
Ears - Microsuction for ear wax impaction; Eustachian tube balloon dilation, hearing loss; tinnitus (noise in ears); dizziness; discharging ear; recurrent ear infection; repair ear drum perforation; pinnaplasty.
Throat / neck - hoarse voice; swallowing problems; neck lumps (procedures - laryngoscopy / biopsy)
Medical secretaries
- Kate Wilkinson
- 28 New Concordia Wharf Mill Street London SE1 2BB
- 020 7394 3645
- 07980 704866
- katewilkinson@medicalsec.org
Anaesthetists worked with
- Dr Geoffrey Raine
Fee Assured
- Dr Rajamani Sethuraman
Fee Assured
- Dr Gyanendra Upmanyu
Fee Assured
- Dr Perumal Tamilselvan
Fee Assured
- Dr Dinesh A Das
Fee Assured
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Fibre optic examination of the pharynx +/- biopsy/removal of foreign body - (>50)
Ramsay Rivers Hospital (5-50) Spire Hartswood Hospital (5-50) Spire London East Hospital (5-50)
Aural toilet (including microsuction and/or suction of exteriorised mastoid cavity) including bilateral - (>50)
Spire Hartswood Hospital (5-50) Ramsay Rivers Hospital (5-50)
Myringotomy and insertion of tube through tympanic membrane (and bilateral) - (5-50)
Ramsay Rivers Hospital (5-50) Spire London East Hospital (1-5)
Adenotonsillectomy (and bilateral) - (5-50)
Ramsay Rivers Hospital (5-50)
Adenoidectomy - (5-50)
Ramsay Rivers Hospital (5-50)
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