- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Medical
- Surgical
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
I have been practicing ophthalmology since 2005. I have trained in Bulgaria, Germany and the UK.
I have expertise in cataract surgery under local or topical (only drops) anaesthesia. I have a special interest in the medical and surgical management of glaucoma- trabeculectomy, non-penetrating glaucoma surgery (viscocanalostomy), XEN implant, iStent etc. I perform combined glaucoma and cataract surgery.
I am Diabetic Retinopathy Lead at St Helens hospital and manage medical retina conditions as well (Age-related macular degeneration, Central retinal vein occlusion, Branch retinal vein occlusion). My regular practice involves anti-VEGF (Lucentis, Eylea), steroid implants (Ozurdex) and micropulse laser therapy.
Areas of interest
Cataract surgery ; Cataracts; Micro invasive Glaucoma surgery;
Diabetic eye disease
Glaucoma treatment
Macular degeneration
Medical secretaries
- Reagan Keane
- 01204 441340
- reagan.keane@freedom-vision.co.uk