Mr Stuart Kedge

Mr Stuart Kedge

Chiropractic 30046372

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

About me

Stuart qualified from the Welsh institute of Chiropractic in 2009 with a Masters degree in chiropractic. Stuart uses Proprioceptive Medicine, Sacro-Occipital technique, kinesio-taping and dry needling (western acupuncture).
These skills, along with specific manipulative therapy, means he can offer a totally individual approach depending on each patient’s needs.

Away from clinic his main interests are sporting and having played sport to a high level, techniques and movement patterns in sports have always interested him. Getting to the root cause of sporting injuries, by looking at and considering the patient’s technique is something he enjoys and does regularly.

Stuart’s treatment involves a detailed assessment deciphering which muscle groups and joints are working too much/not enough. He then uses his broad range of techniques to ensure they start moving efficiently again to enable, not only a full recovery, but also knowledge for future injury prevention with advice on ergonomics and sporting techniques.

About my work
My qualifications & training
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA528

    Follow on chiropractor session - (5-50)

  • AA527

    Initial chiropractor session - (1-5)

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