Mr Mfazo Hove

Mr Mfazo Hove

Mr Hove

Ophthalmology 06053129


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Medical
  • Refractive surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About us

Mr Hove graduated with a 1st class degree from the University of Liverpool in 2002. He began his Ophthalmology career in Eastbourne as a Senior House Officer followed by a rotation through St Thomas Foundation University Hospital. Having gained his MRCOphth he then spent 2.5 years at Moorfields Eye Hospital as a Cataract Research Fellow doing research on multifocal lenses leading to a MD qualification.

His registrar training was on the North Thames Ophthalmology rotation which includes Moorfields Eye Hospital. He completed his FRCOphth , gained his Certificate of Completion of Training and is currently on the specialist register.

He did fellowships at Moorfields Eye Hospital in Medical retina, Cataracts and Eye Casualty. He also worked as a locum consultant at Moorfields Eye Hospital in both the Cataract and Eye Casualty service before taking up his current post as a substantive consultant at the Western Eye Hospital (Imperial College Hospital) where he is also the lead for Eye Casualty.

Mr Hove passed the Certificate of Laser and Refractive surgery (CertLRS) from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in 2017. He has extensive experience of all refractive surgery procedures including LASIK, LASEK, Implantable ICL, Natural lens replacement (Refractive lens exchange) and intra-ocular lens exchanges.

He has done over 20 000 intra-ocular and refractive procedures.

Areas of interest

Natural lens replacement;
Refractive lens exchange;
Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) surgery
age related macular degeneration;
branch retinal vein occlusions;
diabetic retinopathy;
laser eye surgery;
General Ophthalmology

Medical secretaries

About our work
Our outcomes
Our qualifications & training
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • C7125

    Ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataracts, with lens implant - bilateral (including topical or local anaesthetic) - (1-5)

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