Miss Annette Reid

Miss Annette Reid

Obstetrics and gynaecology 06054389


  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Miss Annette Reid Qualified with Distinction from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, University of London in 2002. Prior to this, in 1997, she obtained a BSc (Hons) degree in Biomedical Sciences. She undertook three years of surgical training before embarking on a career in obstetrics and gynaecology. She achieved a Postgraduate Diploma with merit from the University of Surrey in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy (2015). She is experienced in early pregnancy and gynaecology ultrasound following honorary training at King’s College Hospital in London. She is interested in general gynaecological problems including pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding,heavy periods,ovarian cysts, endometriosis, early pregnancy problems, prolapses and benign cervical and vulva conditions. She is a registered colposcopist with the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP). She was appointed as a consultant at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in 2014. She moved to Guy's & St. Thomas' Hospital , London in 2022.

She always takes time to listen and work with patients to deal with their concerns.

Areas of interest

All benign gynaecology conditions; minimal access laparoscopic surgery to treat various conditions including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, tubal pathology; Keyhole/Laparoscopic hysterectomy for various conditions. Key hole/Laparoscopic myomectomy to remove fibroids; Outpatient and inpatient hysteroscopy procedures; Treatment for heavy or abnormal menstrual bleeding, fibroids, polyps. Treatment of abnormal cervical smears, including colposcopy; treatment of benign vulva disease; prolapse surgery; early pregnancy problems; Ultrasound scanning for early pregnancy and gynaecology including 3D scans .

Medical secretaries

Anaesthetists worked with

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • P2730

    Colposcopy (+/- biopsy, polypectomy or vulvoscopy) - (5-50)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (5-50)

  • Q1800

    Hysteroscopy (including biopsy, dilatation, +/- cauterisation, curettage and resection of polyp(s) +/- Mirena coil insertion) - (5-50)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (5-50) London Bridge Hosp at Guys (HCA) (5-50)

  • Q1802

    Hysteroscopy with resection of fibroids (excluding morcellation) +/- insertion of Mirena coil - (5-50)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (5-50) London Bridge Hosp at Guys (HCA) (1-5)

  • P0600

    Excision of lesion of vulva - (5-50)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5) London Bridge Hosp at Guys (HCA) (1-5)

  • Q0230

    Cauterisation of lesion of cervix uteri (+/- loop diathermy, colposcopy or polypectomy) - (5-50)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)

  • Q1701

    Laparoscopic excision of endometriosis, +/-ureterolysis - (5-50)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5) London Bridge Hosp at Guys (HCA) (1-5)

  • Q1280

    Introduction of a mirena coil - (1-5)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)

  • Q1700

    Therapeutic hysteroscopic operations on uterus (including endometrial ablation excluding microwave or radiofrequency ablation) +/- Mirena coil insertion - (1-5)

  • P1400

    Incision of introitus of vagina - (1-5)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)

  • Q1281

    Removal and/or replacement of an embedded / migrated Mirena coil (as sole procedure) - (1-5)

  • P2380

    Anterior (+/- posterior) colporrhaphy with vaginal hysterectomy (including primary repair of enterocele and cystoscopy) - (1-5)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)

  • S5300

    Introduction of substance into skin (including hormone pellet) - (1-5)

  • Q2020

    Endometrial biopsy or aspiration - (1-5)

    Mount Alvernia Hospital (1-5)

  • Q1010

    Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of retained products of conception following miscarriage - (1-5)

  • Show All (23 )...
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