- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Open Referral network
Specialises in
- Benign Prostate disorders
- General urology
- Urinary tract stones
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Mr Samer Sabbagh is a consultant Urological Surgeon. He qualified in 1995 at Aleppo University, Syria and received the highest Surgical and Urological Training in the country. In the year 2000, he pursued his career in the UK and currently he works at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where he leads the General Urology and Benign prostate disease services.Mr Sabbagh has developed multiple interests including: General and functional/female Urology, Andrology and erectile dysfunction, , Urinary stone disease, and Urological Oncology.
Areas of interest
General and functional urology,Management of Lower urinary tract symptoms in men and women with special interest in Benign Prostatic disease and bladder overactivity (irritable bladder) and their up-to-date available treatments. Andrology (Erection and ejaculation conditions), Urinary stone disease, and Urological Cancers; blood in urine ;PSA; investigations and management
Medical secretaries
- Amal Elbeck
- 07912 606115
- 07912 606115
- amalelbeck@hotmail.com
Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)
Diagnostic endoscopic examination of bladder (flexible cystoscopy) including any biopsy - (1-5)
Ramsay Ashtead Hospital (1-5)