Dr Daniel Augustine

Dr Daniel Augustine

Cardiology 06052490

  • Fee assured
  • Not in Open Referral network
Fee assured
Not in Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Cardiac CT/MRI
  • General cardiology


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Professor Dan Augustine is a consultant cardiologist. He practices at several private hospitals in Bath / Bristol.
He also practices at the Royal United Hospital Bath and is an Honorary Professor at the University of Bath. He qualified in 2002 from St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Medical School and completed his cardiology training in the South West of England.
Dan has undertaken a cardiovascular imaging research fellowship at the University of Oxford and gained an MD(Res). He has speciality expertise in cardiac imaging (echocardiography and cardiac MRI), general cardiology and sports cardiology.

Dan has held national roles within the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE). This has included being the lead for a number of national guidelines implemented into NHS trusts. Dan is the president-elect of the BSE and will start his term as president in October 2023.
General cardiology
Dan is the author and editor of several national and international cardiology textbooks. This, in combination with his role for the BSE, means that he stays up-to-date with contemporary practice, using the latest evidence and guidelines. It allows Dan to give a modern and expert opinion on a wide range of cardiological presentations including:
• Chest pain
• Breathlessness
• Heart murmurs, valve disease
• Heart risk factor management (such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure)
• Heart rhythm symptoms (palpitations, atrial fibrillation)
• Episodes of altered consciousness (blackouts or near blackouts)
Cardiac Imaging
Dan has expertise in echocardiography (heart ultrasound scans) and cardiac MRI. Dan is the lead for echocardiography at the RUH Bath and under his leadership, the department were awarded national departmental accreditation by the BSE in for all forms of echocardiography in November 2022. Dan is proficient in all aspects of modern echocardiography, including 3D echocardiography.

He has expertise in stress echocardiography and has led on the introduction of the exercise stress echocardiography service in Bath. Dan has been part of the author group author for a number of national echocardiography guidelines which have been implemented into NHS practice since 2018.
Sports Cardiology

Dan is one of the first cardiologists in the UK to have completed a Masters degree in Sports Cardiology (2019), at St George's University, London (via scholarship). Dan provides expert cardiac sports advice, screening and assessment of symptoms to those of all abilities. He has worked with professional-club and international athletes and also helps to advise those with underlying cardiac conditions (e.g. after a heart attack or those with heart failure) to improve their exercise capacity and provide tailored exercise prescriptions.

Dan was one of the authors of the National Guidelines on the screening of sports participants, published in 2018. This was a joint position paper from the British Society of Echocardiography and the charity Cardiac Risk In The Young.

Areas of interest

Cardiac imaging (echocardiography and cardiac MRI); Valvular heart disease;
Heart failure; hypertension; chest pain assessment; angiography; sports cardiology; exercise prescription; palpitations; blackouts or altered consciousness.

Medical secretaries

About me
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My private practice
Consultant's practices
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