Blackberry Clinic Aberdeen

Blackberry Clinic Aberdeen

Physiotherapy 60011322

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

Specialises in

  • Musculoskeletal

About us

We have 12 clinics across the UK, offering a high level of assessment and treatment with a variety of professionals. We are experts in treating acute and chronic back pain, muscle sprains and strains, sports injuries, arthritis and many other joint, muscle and nerve conditions causing pain. We specialise in spinal injections for back pain along with Prolotherapy to strengthen ligaments in the spine and other joints particularly for knee arthritis. We offer a full service for treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries for all levels of sportsmen and women.

We specialise in:

Bupa Health assessments, health screening, health checks.

Areas of interest

AC Joint Sprain; Achilles Tendon Rupture; Achilles Tendonitis; Ankle Pain; Arthritis; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Elbow Pain; Foot Pain; Frozen Shoulder / Adhesive Capsulitis; Golfer's Elbow; Groin Strain; Hamstring Strain; Headache; Hip Pain; Hypermobility; Jaw Instability; Knee Pain; Ligament Injury; Low Back Pain; Metatarsalgia; Muscle Strain; Tear; Nerve Injury / Palsy; Osteoarthritis; Pelvic Pain; Plantar Fasciitis; Pubic Pain / SP; Rotator Cuff Injury; Sacroiliac Joint Pain / SI Joint Pain; Sciatica; Shin Splints; Dislocation; SLAP Lesion; Slipped Disc/Prolapsed Disc ; Stenosis; Stress Fracture; Tendon;Tennis Elbow; Thoracic Pain; Thumb Sprain; Trapped Nerve; Trigger Finger; Whiplash; Wrist Sprain; Abdominal pain; Arm pain; Back pain; Chromic pain; Chest pain; Disk prolapse; Facet joint pain; Hip pain; Knee pain; Neck pain; Neuropathic pain; Tendinopath; Tendonitis; Scoliosis; Shoulder pain; Sports Injuries; Spondylosis; Spondylolisthesis; Trigger point pain; Pain management;

Consultant's practices
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