Dr Mark Tuthill

Dr Mark Tuthill

Medical oncology 06053905

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Breast
  • Urology


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations
  • Home chemotherapy

About me

Dr Mark Tuthill MB BS, BSc, PhD, MRCP is a Consultant Medical Oncologist for NHS patients at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford and sees private patients at the Nuffield Manor Hospital, in Oxford and Genesis Care Oxford. He specialises in the treatment of early and recurrent cancer with medication including immunotherapy, chemotherapy, hormones, and cancer growth inhibitors.


Dr Tuthill qualified from University College London in 2002, after completing his BSc Honours degree in Immunology and Cell Pathology in 2001. He became a member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) in 2005. Dr Tuthill was trained in Medical Oncology in London at the Royal Marsden, Hammersmith, Charing Cross and the Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals. He was awarded a postgraduate diploma in Oncology from the Institute of Cancer Research in 2009.

He was granted a Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Research Fellowship in 2009 and completed his PhD studies in tumour immunology at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre and Imperial College, London in 2014. He was appointed as a Consultant Medical Oncologist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2015. Dr Tuthill is a clinical ambassador for UCARE (Urology Cancer Research and Education) which is an independent charity committed to improving the treatment and care of cancer patients through research and education.

Private cancer treatment

Dr Tuthill accepts referrals for cancer treatments before or after surgery, for a second opinion and for recurrence of cancer. He is available for consultation at the Nuffield Manor Hospital, Oxford on Thursday morning, Saturday mornings, and at other times by arrangement.

He offers specialist medical treatments for early and recurrent cancers including:

Breast cancer

Prostate cancer
Kidney cancer
Bladder cancer

Treatments provided by Dr Mark Tuthill

Having a diagnosis of cancer can be a highly stressful and difficult time for patients and their families. Dr Tuthill uses a patient-centred approach to help those suffering from cancer to review and understand their treatment options.


Chemotherapy drugs are used to kill cancer cells and can be used to prevent cancer from returning after breast, bladder, lung, and testes surgery or to treat recurrent cancer.


Immunotherapy treatments for cancer are drugs which harness the immune system to kill cancer cells. Cancer immunotherapy has revolutionised the treatment of many forms of cancer including lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, skin cancer and may become a treatment for some forms of breast cancer.

Cancer growth inhibitors

Cancer growth inhibitors are used to treat cancers of the prostate, lung, kidney and breast. Many cancer growth inhibitors target specific cancer mutations within the cancer cells such as Herceptin in breast cancer, cancer growth receptors in kidney cancer, and the testosterone receptor in prostate cancer.

Hormone therapy

Breast cancer can be treated by lowering the female hormone oestrogen, and prostate cancer can be treated by reducing the male hormone testosterone. Often it is possible to combine cancer growth inhibitors with hormone therapy. The side-effects of these treatments can be minimised by using various techniques.

How to be referred to Dr Tuthill as a private patient

If you would like to be seen by Dr Tuthill at the Manor Hospital, Headington, please ask your GP or the Consultant involved in your care to refer you.

Appointments can be arranged by his private secretary, Debbie Stephenson, who can be contacted by telephone on 07795 663703 or by email address at

Referral letters can be sent by email to or faxed to 01865 716531.

Areas of interest

Breast Cancer; Prostate Cancer; Bladder Cancer; Kidney Cancer; Tumour Immunology; Personalised Medicine; targeted therapies; hormone therapies for cancer; cancer growth inhibitors; Immunotherapy;

Clinical supervision and planning for delivery of chemotherapy cycle 1 - 14 days; Clinical supervision and planning for delivery of chemotherapy cycle 1 - 21 days; Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy regimens for 0 to 7 days; Clinical supervision and planning for delivery of chemotherapy cycle 1 - 28 days.

Medical secretaries

About me
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • X0004

    Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy and/or systemic anti-cancer therapy for 1-28 days - (>50)

    GenesisCare, Oxford (>50) Nuffield Health The Manor Hospital (1-5)

  • X0003

    Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy and/or systemic anti-cancer therapy for 1-21 days - (5-50)

    Nuffield Health The Manor Hospital (5-50) GenesisCare, Oxford (5-50)

  • X0001

    Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy and/or systemic anti-cancer therapy for 0-7 days - (5-50)

    Nuffield Health The Manor Hospital (1-5)

  • AA844

    Clinical supervision and planning for delivery of chemotherapy cycle, remote or in the member's home 1-28 days - (5-50)

  • X0002

    Clinical supervision and planning for the delivery of chemotherapy and/or systemic anti-cancer therapy for 1-14 days - (5-50)

  • Show All (6 )...
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