Ms Hilary Barratt

Ms Hilary Barratt

Counselling, Psychotherapy 30044200

  • Fee assured
Fee assured

Specialises in

  • Counselling
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
  • Psychotherapy

About me

I qualified as a counsellor with a degree in Humanistic Counselling (2010) following courses at Certificate (1995) and Diploma (1995-7) level. Before this I worked in medical research with a degree in Psychology and Physiology (1975) and an MSc in Audiology (1981).

I am a counsellor/psychotherapist in private practice with over 10 years experience of providing a therapeutic service to adults of all ages in need of help in addressing current problems in their life.

I have experience of counselling young people (16 - 25 years) through Surrey Care Trust, University students in Portsmouth, mothers of young children through Family Focus, adults of all ages and people suffering with tinnitus. I have also been a volunteer with Victim Support and have experience of supporting people suffering from sexual crimes, domestic abuse and many other traumatic experiences.

Areas of interest

anxiety; depression; relationship difficulties; bereavement; low self-esteem; bullying; self-harm; post-traumatic stress; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; obsessive-compulsive disorder; addictions; chronic illnesses such as ME; life crises

Specialist interests and expertise in the following physical conditions

  • Psychophysiological disorders
About my work
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
Information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals (Bupa patients only, last 12 months)

Procedures completed

  • AA808

    Counselling session - (>50)

  • AA034

    Psychotherapy session - (5-50)

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