
Dr Timothy Gatheral

General (internal) medicine, Respiratory medicine 06040031

  • Not Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Not Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Dr Tim Gatheral is a consultant respiratory physician at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS trust where he acts as director of research and development. After studying medicine at Cambridge University, Tim completed postgraduate studies in South London. A period of research at the National Heart and Lung Institute and Royal Brompton Hospital led to the award of a PhD from Imperial College in 2012. Tim leads the interstitial lung disease clinic at Morecambe Bay and is part of the North Lancashire and South Cumbria ILD service. Consultations are offered for a wide spectrum of respiratory conditions at his consulting rooms in Greater Lancashire Hospital.

Areas of interest

Lung fibrosis
Interstitial Lung Disease
Unexplained breathlessness

Medical secretaries

About me
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Consultant's practices
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