
Professor Philip Kalra

Renal medicine 02604808

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I graduated from Cambridge University and St Thomas’ Hospital medical school, London and have been Consultant Nephrologist at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust since 1995. I have an extensive experience in treating all renal conditions, the most common of which are CKD, diabetic kidney disease and other proteinuric disorders. Hypertension often occurs in association with kidney disease and nephrologists are well-placed to investigate and manage the more problematic cases.

Academically, I was appointed Honorary Professor at the University of Manchester in 2009. I lead the renal research team at Salford and has major research focus on cardiovascular complications of CKD, CKD epidemiology and renovascular disease. I have published over 150 peer-reviewed academic papers, and have trained over 15 junior nephrologists for higher degrees (MD or PhD), many of these now having been appointed to consultant posts.

I am the UK lead for the National Institute of Health Renal Disorders clinical trials network, and have been involved in development of several large UK clinical trials in nephrology (and cardiology). I have recently been appointed Academic Vice President of the Renal Association, our specialty's main academic body.

I have a major interest in nephrology teaching, and edit the popular textbook ‘Essential Revision notes for the MRCP’, now in its 4th edition, which is used by virtually all candidates attempting the MRCP part 1 exam, both in the UK and internationally.

Areas of interest

Hypertension;Chronic kidney disease;CKD;Proteinuria;Diabetic kidney disease;Systemic diseases and the kidney

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