External resources
Current NHS consultant posts held
Substantive Consultant Clinical Oncologist in the NHS Weston Park hospital since 2014
Prior to this was a specialist registrar Yorkshire Deanery training programme 2008-2014
Research interests
prostate cancer
kidney cancer
bladder cancer
Advanced radiotherapy techniques
hormonal therapy
Personal interests
Advanced radiotherapy techniques
Awards received
Distinction Masters in Oncology
(Additional) Languages spoken
• M Alzouebi, R Jones. Outcomes of 10 years prescribing practice for first line metastatic kidney cancer. NCRI 2018
• M Alzouebi, JR Goepel, JM Horsman and BW Hancock. Primary thyroid lymphoma: The 40 year experience of a UK lymphoma treatment centre. Int J Oncol 40: 2075-2080, 2012
• M Alzouebi, S Pledge and J Martin. Are outcomes of adjuvant vaginal vault brachytherapy in endometrial cancer related to the way it is delivered? Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice. FirstView Article : pp 1-14 Published online: 12 December 2011
• M Alzouebi, P Fisher, PJ Woll, MQ Hatton, BH Foran. Audit of adjuvant vinorelbine and cisplatin for patients with resected NSCLC. Lung Cancer 2010;67:S1
• M Alzouebi, P Sarrigiannis, M Hadjivassiolou. Acute Polyradiculopathy with renal failure; mind the anion gap – Journal of Neurology, Neurophysiology and Psychiatry Psychiatry 2008;79:842-844
• M Alzouebi. Paediatric Chest Radiographs. StudentBMJ 2005; 13:309-352
• M Alzouebi, M McAlindon, DS Sanders. Patients starving before percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement may be at risk of refeeding syndrome. BAPEN 2004; 63 (1)