Current NHS consultant posts held
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon/ Paediatric Urologist at the Leicester Royal Infirmary
Research interests
Clinical research. I have submitted dissertation during my M.S (general Surgery) course.
I was also involved in lab research - to compare the out comes of 3 different ways of augmenting bladder in Sheep model.
Technical innovation regarding closure of Urethro-cutaneous fistula was presented at the international conference in Hawaii and the published in Peer review journal.
Personal interests
Would like to keep fit by regular exercise.
Playing sports such as cricket and cycling.
Watching sports, listening to music, travelling and meeting different people and making friends.
Relaxing by spending time with family.
Awards received
Clinical Excellence award - level2
• Laparoscopic Palomo varicocele ligation: results in 103 consecutive cases.Journal of Urology 2004;172 (issue 4 part 2 of 2): 1749-52. [Koyle MA, Rajimwale A, Oottomastian S, Brant W, Barquawi A, Furness P].
• Gonadoblastoma and Turner syndrome. Journal of Urology 2006;175 (5):1858-60 [William O Brant, Ashok Rajimwale, Mark A Lovell, Sharon H Travers, Peter D Furness, Matthew Sorensen, Siam Oottamasathien, Martin A Koyle]
• Laparoscopic management of Impalpable testes: Comparision of different Techniques- Pediatric Surgery International 2011, Vol 27 No. 12: 1327-1330 [Rashmi R Singh, Ashok Rajimwale, S Nour]
• Acute scrotum: is scrotal exploration the best management? European Journal of Pediatic Surgery 2010, Vol 20, issue 5, 312-315- [Soccorso G, Ninan GK, Rajimwale A, Nour S]
• Red Herring Vaginal Discharge- BMJ case Reports 2013, doi: 10.1136/bcr- 2013-200367 [ Jun Hee Lee, Kirsty Pringle Ashok Rajimwale]
• Modified PATIO repair for urethrocutaneous fistula posthypospadiasrepair: operative technique and outcomes -Kirtikumar Rathod• Jaskiren Loyal1• Bharat More• Ashok Rajimwale: Pediatr Surg Int DOI 10.1007/s00383-016-3983-1( accepted for publication – DOI ahead of publication)
• 13 ribs as a predictor of long gap oesophageal atresia: myth or reality? analysis - of associated findings of OA and abnormal rib count- Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Vol 52, issue 8, 1252- 1254
Book Chapters
• "The Malone antegrade continence enema (Mace) procedure" [Ashok Rajimwale and Padrig S J Malone]. " Paediatric surgery and Urology Long term outcomes -2nd edition". Chapter 33, Pages 429-434.Edited by Mark D Stringer, Keith T Oldham and Pierre D E Mouriquand. Cambridge University Press –2006.
• Posterior Urethral valves [M Gopal, Ashok Rajimwale] Hand book of paediatric surgery Chapter 5.5, pages 299-306, edited by Sinha, C K, Devenport, M
•Succeeding in Paediatric Surgery Examinations: v. 1: A Complete Resource for MCQs (Masterpass) Edited by Antao and Irish- Chapters on Urinary incontinence (Chapter 59), Neurogenic Bladder (Chapter 60) Hypospadias (Chapter 62), Circumcision and disorders of Penis (Chapter 63).
•Succeeding in Paediatric Surgery Examinations: v. 1: A Complete Resource for EMQs (Masterpass) Edited by Antao and Irish- Chapters on Urinary incontinence (Chapter 59), Neurogenic Bladder (Chapter 60) Hypospadias (Chapter 62), Circumcision and disorders of Penis (Chapter -63)
Courses offered to GPs
Regular talks to GP. I am talking to GP of Leicester in March regarding 'Common Paediatric urological problems in Children'