- Fee assured
- Verified account
- Not in Open Referral network
- Face-to-face consultations
- Video and telephone consultations
About me
Dr Daniels has been working in a substantive NHS Consultant post since April 2013. This is in a busy and innovative Rheumatology department, where the focus is on high quality care, excellent patient experiences and optimisation of resources.
Dr Daniels is the Clinical Lead for Rheumatology at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals. She is also lead for Early Inflammatory Arthritis having developed this service to enable rapid review and high quality care consistent with NICE guidelines and in line with the Best Practice Tariff.
Dr Daniels main subspecialty interests are inflammatory arthritis, including the use of ultrasound imaging in this area, seronegative spondyloarthropathies and connective tissue disease.
Dr Daniels is actively involved in education, being the Educational Supervisor for the BHRUT Rheumatology trainee.
Areas of interest
Early Inflammatory Arthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Axial Spondyloarthropathy; Gout; Osteoporosis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA); Fibromyalgia; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow), Vasculitis, Myositis; Bursitis; Tendonitis; Joint Injections; Soft Tissue Injections; Tendonitis Injections; Bursa Injections; Epicondylitis Injections; Intra-muscular steroid injections
Medical secretaries
- Karen Brickenden
- Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital Shenfield Road Shenfield BRENTWOOD CM15 8EH
- 01277 695695
- 07486 299797
- drdanielspp@outlook.com
- Nuffield Bookings
- essex_enq@nuffieldhealth.com