Professor Bilal Al-Khaffaf

Professor Bilal Al-Khaffaf

Bilal Haytham Al-Khaffaf

General surgery 06077775

  • Bupa Platinum consultant
  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Bupa Platinum consultant
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Upper GI surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

Professor Bilal Alkhaffaf is a consultant surgeon and specialises in the management of conditions which affect the upper gastrointestinal tract. These include oesophageal and gastric cancer, obesity, benign oesophageal and gastric disorders, acid reflux, hiatus hernia and achalasia. His clinical interests lie in advanced minimally invasive surgery including totally minimally invasive cancer surgery, primary and revisional bariatric surgery, and complex benign surgery.

In addition to his extensive clinical practice, Professor Alkhaffaf is active in the field of research and training. He was appointed to the position of 'honorary MAHSC clinical professor' at the University of Manchester in recognition of his major contribution to his clinical specialty, including excellence in research and education. Professor Alkhaffaf's research interest focuses on how results (outcomes) from surgery are reported. His role extends to the teaching and training of other surgeons, and supervision of PhD students. He founded and leads an international programme to supervise the training of surgeons.

Areas of interest

Oesophageal Cancer; Oesophagus Cancer; Barrett's Oesophagus; Dysplasia; Oesophagectomy; Cardio-oesophagectomy

Gastric Cancer; Stomach Cancer; Gastrectomy; Gastric Polyps

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST)

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease; GORD; Acid Reflux; Dyspepsia; Heartburn; Laparoscopic Fundoplication; Linx Procedure;

Bariatric Surgery; Weight-Loss Surgery; Sleeve Gastrectomy; Gastric Bypass; Gastric Band

Hiatus Hernia; Para-oesophageal Hernia; Gastric Volvulus; Diaphragmatic Hernia; Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Repair;

Achalasia; Laparoscopic Heller's Cardiomyotomy.

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About me
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My outcomes
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