Mr Andrew Michael Williams

Mr Andrew Michael Williams

Plastic surgery 04673523


  • Fee assured
  • Open Referral network
Fee assured
Open Referral network

Specialises in

  • Reconstructive surgery


  • Face-to-face consultations
  • Video and telephone consultations

About me

I have an active practice in both Plastic, Aesthetic and Cosmetic surgery. My main interests lie in microsurgical breast reconstruction for the treatment of congenital and acquired defects. I also perform implant based breast reconstruction and cosmetic breast surgery, including breast reduction, mastopexy (uplift) and augmentation (implant based enlargement). I have a wide experience of cosmetic surgery and was the Training Interface Group Cosmetic and Reconstructive Fellow. I have also been an Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Fellow.

I see patients with skin cancer and work closely with our Dermatology colleagues in diagnosing and treating these patients.

I am involved with the training of junior doctors in the NHS in both Plastic Surgery and in Trauma management.

Cosmetic surgery – Body and Breasts

Plastic Surgery – Breast surgery, cosmetic breast surgery, dermatological lasers, dermatological surgery, hand surgery, non-surgical cosmetic treatments, reconstructive surgery, skin cancer.

Special interest in microsurgical breast reconstruction, breast surgery, skin cancer and skin cancer treatment.

Areas of interest

Reconstructive surgery; breast surgery; breast augmentation (enlargement); breast reduction; breast asymmetry; mastopexy (breast uplift); abdominoplasty; liposuction; carpal tunnel decompression; skin lesions; dermatological surgery; skin oncology; skin cancer surgery; lipoma surgery; prominent ear correction; eyelid surgery; non-surgical facial aesthetics

Medical secretaries

  • Andrea Sewell
  • Bradford Royal Infirmary Duckworth Lane BRADFORD BD9 6RJ
About me
My outcomes
My qualifications & training
My private practice
Consultant's practices
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